Part One: Let’s study some phrases about “learn” first. And then try to get some idea about how to learn in life.
1. you live and learn: People often say this when they’ve heard or discovered something which is surprising. 通常在意外发现某事时,用来表达自己的惊讶。而且很多时候,说话者说这句话的时候,也是为这件事付出了代价的,例如因事前不知道而说错话,结果很尴尬。
► I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn.
○ 我完全不知道他们是亲戚。哦,呃,活到老学到老吧。
2. learn a/your lesson: If you learn your lesson, that means you suffer a bad experience and know not to do it again, especially used for a naughty child or someone who repeatly makes the same mistake. 这里的“课”,指的是一种不愉快的经历,特别适用于那些顽皮的孩子和老是犯同一个错误的人。
► We learned a lesson from last year’s failure to reform health care.
○ 我们从去年的卫生保健改制失败中吸取了教训。
3. learn (something) the hard way: If you learn something the hard way, you discover what you need to know through experience or by making mistakes. 该句充分体现了“吃一堑,长一智”的含义,这里的教训比之前的更为深刻,因为这里指的经历和犯错,问题更为严重。
►Since he won’t take advice from anyone, I guess he is going to have to learn the hard way.
○ 因为他总是不听他人的意见,我想他迟早会尝到失败的滋味的。
4. learn in/at the school of hard knocks: If you learn in/at the school of hard knocks, you learn it very hard, and suffer some painful experiences. 在拳击比赛里,不管你是打倒对手,还是被对手打倒(knock down or knockout),在竞赛的过程中,你总难免会吃上几拳,或许还是很重的几拳(hard knocks)。有时候,学习就是这样一个残酷的过程,必须经历一些挫败才能更深刻地体会到其中的道理和掌握某种能力。
► Many companies still prefer to let their sales employees learn at the school of hard knocks.
○ 很多公司还是宁愿让他们的业务员从挫败中吸取经验教训。
☺ 通过以上关于learn的短语学习,大家有没有找到好的学习方法呢?没错,practice(实践)就是其中一种非常有效的学习方法。实践中获得的经验,不管是失败的教训还是成功的心得,都可以助你更好地掌握知识与明白道理。而对于口语的学习,开口实践更加是不可缺少的方法,大家要记住啦。
1. you live and learn: People often say this when they’ve heard or discovered something which is surprising. 通常在意外发现某事时,用来表达自己的惊讶。而且很多时候,说话者说这句话的时候,也是为这件事付出了代价的,例如因事前不知道而说错话,结果很尴尬。
► I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn.
○ 我完全不知道他们是亲戚。哦,呃,活到老学到老吧。
2. learn a/your lesson: If you learn your lesson, that means you suffer a bad experience and know not to do it again, especially used for a naughty child or someone who repeatly makes the same mistake. 这里的“课”,指的是一种不愉快的经历,特别适用于那些顽皮的孩子和老是犯同一个错误的人。
► We learned a lesson from last year’s failure to reform health care.
○ 我们从去年的卫生保健改制失败中吸取了教训。
3. learn (something) the hard way: If you learn something the hard way, you discover what you need to know through experience or by making mistakes. 该句充分体现了“吃一堑,长一智”的含义,这里的教训比之前的更为深刻,因为这里指的经历和犯错,问题更为严重。
►Since he won’t take advice from anyone, I guess he is going to have to learn the hard way.
○ 因为他总是不听他人的意见,我想他迟早会尝到失败的滋味的。
4. learn in/at the school of hard knocks: If you learn in/at the school of hard knocks, you learn it very hard, and suffer some painful experiences. 在拳击比赛里,不管你是打倒对手,还是被对手打倒(knock down or knockout),在竞赛的过程中,你总难免会吃上几拳,或许还是很重的几拳(hard knocks)。有时候,学习就是这样一个残酷的过程,必须经历一些挫败才能更深刻地体会到其中的道理和掌握某种能力。
► Many companies still prefer to let their sales employees learn at the school of hard knocks.
○ 很多公司还是宁愿让他们的业务员从挫败中吸取经验教训。
☺ 通过以上关于learn的短语学习,大家有没有找到好的学习方法呢?没错,practice(实践)就是其中一种非常有效的学习方法。实践中获得的经验,不管是失败的教训还是成功的心得,都可以助你更好地掌握知识与明白道理。而对于口语的学习,开口实践更加是不可缺少的方法,大家要记住啦。