Confirming the tide have a letter, phase climax This is a river north, calm, serene, with a hint of a heavy historical contemplation. A beautiful, powerful era gave him an epic name Song River. I do not know because of his loneliness or because of his silence, when the foreign brand armored fleet opened up the door to the Central Plains liquor market, have this historic wine has a long history of siege on the land, Henan Fu Jen Catholic Zhu Wenchen, head of the industry group, applied the passage of Mao Zedong’s elders: "The so-called strategic decisive battle is simply a gamble. The fate of a gambling nation and the fate of a gambling army are very unpleasant but the words No other words to replace it. Click for a while, on the go, while the hands are still trembling, the heart is still flutter jump. What is the heart? What are you afraid of