根据上海市住院医师规范化培训的要求,针对目前我国全科医学教育中存在的不足,复旦大学附属华东医院从临床实践教学着手,通过规范全科住院医师的德育培训、临床实践能力和临床科研能力的培训,以及全科医学师资队伍的建设和管理,以期探索和建立适合我国国情的优良的全科住院医师规范化培训体系,提高全科住院医师规范化培训的质量,为全科医师今后走进社区、更好地服务居民打下扎实的基础。“,”According to the demands of residency standardized training and the current problems of general education in our country,Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University standardized moral training,clinical practice and scientific research training,as well as the general practice teaching training by starting from the clinical practice teaching.It is of great and far-reaching significance to improve the quality of standardized training and to establish the standardized training system suitable for our domestic situation.