随着社会主义市场经济体系的逐步建立,我国的政治经济以及日常生活都发生了深刻地变化,也给民兵、预备役工作带来了一些新情况和新问题,其主要表现为: 1、民兵外出务工日渐增多,与“三落实”的要求不相适应。2、民兵数量多,质量差,与打赢高技术条件下的局部战争不相适应。3、武器装备落后,与要求民兵掌握高科技能不相适应。4、民兵的编组、训练、战争动员方案针对性不强,与战时快速动员的要求不相适应。5、现行的领导体制与人武部担负的职能任务不相适应。6、思想观念的变化与当前民兵思想政治工作不相适应。
With the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system, profound changes have taken place in our country’s political economy and daily life. Some new conditions and problems have also been brought to the militia and reserve work. The main manifestations are as follows: 1. Militias go out The number of workers is increasing day by day, which is incompatible with the requirement of “three fulfillment”. 2, the number of militias, poor quality, and win the high-tech conditions of the local war does not match. 3, backward weapons and equipment, and require militia to master high-tech can not meet. 4, the militia’s formation, training, war mobilization program targeted is not strong, and the rapid mobilization of wartime incompatible with the requirements. 5, the current leadership system and people’s armed forces shoulder the functions and tasks do not meet. 6, changes in ideology and ideological and political work of the current militia incompatible.