Cantonese sausage is a traditional pickled product in Lingnan area that has attracted many consumers with unique taste and aroma. In this study, we used the national standard physicochemical analysis method, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) techniques to determine the basic types of Cantonese-style sausages with high market shares such as Jinqilin, Jin’ao, Jinrong, Huanggonghuang and Cangzhou Nutritional composition, fatty acid composition and amino acid composition, the types and proportions of fatty acids and amino acids were analyzed and calculated, and their nutritional value was evaluated by amino acid score method. The results showed that the five kinds of Cantonese sausage contained 19.30-27.30% of protein, 13.53-21.54% of crude fat, 5.40-9.87% of water, 13.66-17.87% of total sugar and 4.20-7.01% of common salt, Fatty acid content was 54.32 ~ 57.88%. The five kinds of sausage contained 17 kinds of amino acids, and the contents of essential amino acids in them were similar, which accounted for 33.82 ~ 35.92% of the total amino acids content, which was an ideal source of high quality protein. This article can provide a certain reference for people to eat Cantonese sausage reasonably.