The Dinosaur1 in Jake’s Garage2 杰克车库里的恐龙

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujian
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  “Dad,” he said, “There’s a dinosaur living in the garage.”
  “Is there really, Jake?” said his dad. “That’s interesting. Now go away and play. Daddy’s busy now.” Jake’s dad went back to reading his newspaper.
  Jake thought that there was a dinosaur in the garage for some time. A few weeks ago, behind the old bicycle he used to ride when he was small, there was a big bag with the tent in it. They had only used it once on a camping holiday and his dad then said, “Forget this!I’m never going camping again!Next year we’re staying in a hotel like other people!” Jake had found a big egg in the bag. At first, Jake thought that it was a broken football. But when he went to touch3 it, the thing was all hard, not like a football at all. It felt more like a kind of egg and he couldn’t see a hole in it anywhere. No, Jake—being a clever boy—right now realised4 that it wasn’t a football at all. It was an egg. He didn’t tell anyone at the time, because he thought that his mum and dad would think that he was lying5 again. His mum and dad always thought that he was lying. “Telling stories” they called it.
One day, George is at a pet store. Because his birthday is coming soon, his parents promised1 to buy a pet for him as his birthday gift. He is looking at what kind of pet he might want to get. George
摘要:化学新课程凸显全新的教育教学理念,本文试图通过高中化学教学的实践,结合教育学、心理学、社会学理论,追求一种全新的课堂教学—本真课堂;并就如何解读本真教学目标,创设本真教学环境,开发本真教学资源展开全新的诠释和探索,以期化学课堂回归求真溯源的本来面目,不断提升教育教学的新境界。  关键词:新课程;本真;教学目标;教学环境;教学资源  文章编号:1008-0546(2011)06-0035-02
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摘要:学生的学习活动必须与任务或问题相结合,有了明确的任务驱动,探究活动才会有动力,也会有明确的方向。作者利用任务驱动的教学方式,探究了如何更加有效地进行化学反应速率的教学。  关键词:任务驱动;观念建构;探究;反应速率  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)05-0083-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.
摘要:文章围绕陶行知“教学做”合一思想和化学新课程要求,着重从激发学生“学”化学、培养学生“思”化学、训练学生“做”化学、提升学生“用”化学四个方面入手,强调“教学做”是一件事的三个方面,而不是三件事,变原来以老师讲为主的“讲堂”转变为学生自主探究、验证为主的“学堂”。  关键词:教学做合一;动手;实践;合作  文章编号:1008-0546(2013)03-021-02 中图分类号:G633.8
摘要:文章从观摩研讨“乙酸”一课的所思所悟为例,从课程任务的贯彻落实和课程资源的整合开发两方面阐述了基于课程标准解读的教学设计策略。  关键词:课程任务; 课程资源  文章编号:1008-0546(2014)12-0061-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2014.12.024  近日,笔者有幸参加了江苏师范大