求三个物理量之比的题目对于学生来说是一大难题。学生用公式法求解时只能逐个相比很难做到全面考虑。用表格法能够很好地解决这类问题。 例1 如图1所示,压路机后轮的半径是前轮半径的3倍,A、B分别为前轮和后轮边缘上的一点,C为后轮上一点,它离后轮轴的距离是后轮半径的一半,则A、B、C三点的角速度和向心加速度的比值为:
The problem of finding the ratio of three physical quantities is a big problem for students. It is difficult for students to fully consider one by one when solving with the formula method. The table method can solve this kind of problem well. Example 1 As shown in Figure 1, the radius of the rear wheel of the roller is 3 times the radius of the front wheel. A and B are points on the edges of the front and rear wheels. C is the point on the rear wheel. The distance from the rear wheel shaft is For half the radius of the rear wheel, the ratio of angular velocity and centripetal acceleration at the three points A, B, and C is: