今年高考政治试题第35小题“管得越少的政府,越是好政府”,寥寥12个字,含义深远,可谓小题大作的典范。在笔者看来,这道题目至少有如下五个特点: 一、贯串一条红线,围绕一个中心 今年的高考政治试题,有一个明显的特点即整套试题紧紧贯串经济建设这条红线,紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心。150分的试题,与经济建设直接相关或者间接相联的就有129分之多,
This year’s 35th topic of the political exam questions for the college entrance examination this year is: “The government with less control is the better government.” It has 12 characters and is of far-reaching significance. It can be described as an example of a fuss. In my opinion, this topic has at least the following five characteristics: First, through a red line, around a center this year’s college entrance examination political questions, there is a clear feature that the entire test is tightly run through the red line of economic construction, tightly around The center of economic construction. The 150-point test item has 129 points of direct or indirect connection with economic construction.