Joyce’s short story “Apartment” tells the story of the apartment proprietress, Mrs. Mooney, who designed the trap to condone daughter Rosedale to lure Doron and force the marriage. Previous studies have also explored the collusion brought about by mother and daughter and the pressure brought by the social environment on Duolun. However, there is no analysis on this work from the angle of social thinking of the characters. Social thinking theory is a newly created academic hypothesis, emphasizing the social attributes of cognition, belonging to the category of cognitive narratology. In this paper, we analyze the social attributes of character thinking in “apartment” through social thinking theory, and show the panorama of social thinking. We draw the conclusion that “apartment” uses social thinking and narrative skills to promote collusion between characters and collusion among various forces at the ideological level, Effectively demonstrating the theme of the paralysis of the spirit of urban society in Dublin city in a given context.