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目的探讨大连市社区居民及社区护理人员对上门护理服务APP的认知与需求。方法选取大连市老年慢性病患者180人以及社区护理人员120人作为本次调查研究的对象,通过发放调查问卷的方式对社区内老年慢性病患者对于上门护理服务APP的需求以及社区护理人员对于上门护理服务APP的认知和需求进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析总结。结果老年慢性病患者不知道上门护理服务APP的有123人(72.8%),社区护理人员不知道社区护理服务APP的有51人(46.8%),在上门护理服务APP需求情况中项目频数最高的分别为血压监测和静脉输液。结论随着我国人口老龄化进程的加快,患有慢性病的老年人逐年增多,使得他们对社区护理服务的需求量也逐渐增加,而在以社区护理服务为主的基础上利用互联网的优势加大推广上门护理服务是十分必要的。 Objective To explore the cognition and demand of community nursing home and community nurses in home care service app in Dalian. Methods A total of 180 elderly people with chronic diseases in Dalian and 120 community nursing staff were selected as the object of this investigation. The questionnaires were used to assess the needs of home-based nursing service APPs for elderly patients with chronic diseases in the community and the community nurses’ APP cognition and needs investigation, and analysis of the survey results. Results Elderly patients with chronic diseases did not know 123 (72.8%) of home-based nursing service APPs, community care workers did not know 51 (46.8%) of community nursing service APPs, and the frequency of home-care services APPs was the highest For blood pressure monitoring and intravenous infusion. Conclusions With the acceleration of population aging in our country, the number of elderly people suffering from chronic diseases has increased year by year, making their demand for community care services gradually increased. However, the advantage of utilizing the Internet based on community care services has been greatly enhanced To promote home care services is very necessary.
摘 要:排列组合问题是学生最害怕的问题之一,本文着重研究了一类传球问题的解法,总结出了这类问题的一般规律。  关键词:排列组合 传球问题 研究  中图分类号:G63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2013)05(b)-0171-02  有一个题是这样的:5个人围成一圈传球,每次只能传给相邻的人,从甲传出,求传10次后又回到甲的情况。  4 偶数个人围成一圈传球,每次只能传给相邻的人