Co-infection of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyaaaaaa
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AIM:To study the prevalence and risk factors associated with triple infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/hepatitis B virus (HBV)/hepatitis C virus (HCV) in an urban clinic population. METHODS:Retrospective chart review of 5639 patients followed at St.Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital HIV Clinic (Center for Comprehensive Care) in New York City,USA from January 1999 to May 2007.The following demographic characteristics were analyzed: age,sex,race and HIV risk factors.A multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of demographic factors on acquisition of these viruses. RESULTS:HIV/HBV,HIV/HCV and HIV/HBV/HCV infections were detected in 252/5639 (4.47%), 1411/5639 (25.02%) and 89/5639 (1.58%) patients, respectively.HIV/HBV co-infections were associated with male gender (OR 1.711;P=0.005),black race (OR 2.091,P<0.001),men having sex with men (MSM) (OR 1.747;P=0.001),intravenous drug use (IDU) (OR 0.114;P<0.001),IDU and heterosexual activity (OR 0.247;P=0.018),or unknown (OR 1.984;P=0.004). HIV/HCV co-infections were associated with male gender (OR 1.241;P=0.011),black race (OR 0.788; P=0.036),MSM (OR 0.565;P<0.001),IDU (OR 8.956; P<0.001),IDU and heterosexual activity (OR 9.106; P<0.001),IDU and MSM (OR 9.179;P<0.001),or transfusion (OR 3.224;P<0.001).HIV/HBV/HCV co- infections were associated with male gender (OR 2.156; P=0.015),IDU (OR 6.345;P<0.001),IDU and heterosexual activity (OR 9.731;P<0.001),IDU and MSM (OR 9.228;P<0.001),or unknown (OR 4.219; P=0.007). CONCLUSION:Our study demonstrates that co- infection with HBV/HCV/HIV is significantly associated with IDU.These results highlight the need to intensify education and optimal models of integrated care, particularly for populations with IDU,to reduce the risk of viral transmission. AIM: To study the prevalence and risk factors associated with triple infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) / hepatitis B virus (HBV) / hepatitis C virus (HCV) in an urban clinic population. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of 5639 patients followed at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital HIV Clinic (Center for Comprehensive Care) in New York City, USA from January 1999 to May 2007. The following demographic characteristics were analyzed: age, sex, race and HIV risk factors. A multiple logistic regression analysis was RESULTS: HIV / HBV, HIV / HCV and HIV / HBV / HCV infections were detected in 252/5639 (4.47%), 1411/5639 (25.02%) and 89 / 5639 (1.58%) patients, respectively. HIV / HBV co-infections were associated with male gender (OR 1.711; P = 0.005), black race OR 1.747; P = 0.001), intravenous drug use (IDU) (OR 0.114; P <0.001), IDU and heterosexual activity (OR 0.247; P = 0.018), or unknown (OR 1.984; P = 0.004). HIV / HCV co-infections were associated with male gender (OR 1.241; P = 0.011) IDU and heterosexual activity (OR 9.106; P <0.001), IDU and MSM (OR 9.179; P <0.001), or transfusion (OR 3.224; IDU and heterosexual activity (OR 9.731; P & lt; 0.001), IDU and MSM (OR 2 .31; OR 9.228; P <0.001), or unknown (OR 4.219; P = 0.007). CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that co-infection with HBV / HCV / HIV is significantly associated with IDU. These results highlight the need to intensify education and optimal models of integrated care, particularly for populations with IDU, to reduce the risk of viral transmission.
新学期才开学没几天,我就被女儿整得烦躁到要死。因为升入高的年级,学习的内容变得相对复杂,女儿的依赖性居然也跟着越演越烈,老是一遇到不会做的题,就喊:“妈妈,快来帮我看一看。”一回,两回,能受得了;一天无数回,闹得我根本不能静心做自己的事。  几次想发火,问她:“你就不能自己动下脑子吗?”女儿嬉皮笑脸地回我:“动了呀,确实不会。”哪里是不会?我还不了解她吗,每次做作业,总是粗略地审题,总是一眼看过去
“当你老了,头发白了,睡意昏沉;当你老了,走不动了,炉火旁打盹,回忆青春……”这首歌不知唱哭了多少人,在每个人的成长中,都有两个人的身影伫立在时间之河中——父亲和母亲。  随着时间的流逝,我们或许渐渐忽略了身边的父母,但父母永远不会忘记去爱我们。母亲就像一棵树,在季节的轮回中坚守家园,默默付出。父亲就是一片海,在沉重的风声中碰撞出道道水墙维护着深处的宁静。他们可以柔情似水,也可以坚硬如山,纵然尘世
采用 CST 方法和最小二乘法对激光陀螺仪的零偏数据进行了处理和拟合,求出处理后数据中各噪声的误差系数,为激光陀螺仪在鱼雷捷联惯导中的应用奠定了基础。 The zero bias d