7月14日,在上海国际赛车场,意大利顶级跑车制造商——兰博基尼汽车公司举办了“兰博基尼赛道日”试乘试驾活动,100余位兰博基尼客户和记者切身体验了驾乘Gallardo LP 560-4 Coupe和Gallardo LP 560-4 Spyder两款超级跑车在F1赛道上风驰电掣的极致感官刺激。在本站“兰博基尼赛道日”活动现场,兰博基尼汽车公司亚太区经理——克里斯蒂安·马斯特洛(Christian Mastro)说:“中国是个拥有辉煌历史的国家,并且具有巨大的市场潜力,这促使我们不断加大对中国市场的投入,为中国消费者带来全球最顶尖的跑车和最尊贵的服务。”“兰博基尼跑车所具备的超高性能和非凡动力,能够带给人无与伦比的驾控乐趣和纯粹的力量感受。而兰博基尼的每一款车型产品,都在对其‘纯粹、极端、不妥协’的品牌精神进行着完美诠释。”兰博基尼汽车公司中国区经理易纳德(Eginardo Bertoli)介绍说。
On July 14th, at the Shanghai International Circuit, the Lamborghini Motor Company of Italy, the top Italian sports car manufacturer, organized a “Lamborghini Race Day” test drive event. More than 100 Lamborghini clients and journalists personally experienced driving Gallardo. The LP 560-4 Coupe and the Gallardo LP 560-4 Spyder are the ultimate sensory stimuli on the F1 track. At the site of the “Lamborghini Race Day” event, Christian Mastro, Asia Pacific Manager of Automobili Lamborghini, said: “China is a country with a glorious history and has a huge market. The potential, which prompted us to continue to increase investment in the Chinese market, to bring the world’s top sports cars and the most distinguished service for Chinese consumers.”” Lamborghini sports car with ultra-high performance and extraordinary power, can bring People have unrivalled driving pleasure and pure power feeling. Every Lamborghini model product is perfectly explained by its ’pure, extreme, and uncompromising’ brand spirit.“ ”Lamborghini Motor Company China Manager Easy Eginardo Bertoli said.