All-trans retinoic acid as a single agent induces complete remission in a patient with acute leukemi

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayong790401
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Objective To present a special case with the karyotype and molecular marker of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)-M2 who was induced to complete remission by all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) alone.Methods A recently hospitalized young female patient with acute leukemia was initially diagnosed as M3 subtype based on morphological French-American-British (FAB) classification. Karyotype analysis using standard G and R banding techniques and RT-PCR were applied to further define the diagnosis. After primarily cultured bone marrow cells from the iliac aspiration were tested for in vitro induced differentiation, the patient was treated with oral all-trans retinoic acid alone, 60?mg per day until complete remission was achieved. Peripheral blood and bone marrow changes were monitored over the whole treatment course.Results The characteristic chromosomal aberration for M3, the t(15;17) reciprocal translocation, was not found while a t(8;21) translocation was verified. Furthermore, an amplified product of the AML-1/ETO fusion gene instead of the PML/RARα fusion gene was detected by RT-PCR and the diagnosis was corrected from M3 to M2. Primary cultured bone marrow cells can be fully induced to terminal differentiation after 4 days exposure to ATRA. A hematological complete remission was achieved after 40 days treatment with ATRA as a single therapeutic agent, suggesting an altative pathway mediating ATRA-induced myeloid differentiation. Conclusion A leukemia patient with a subtype other than M3, such as M2 in this case, may also be induced to complete remission by the mechanism of ATRA-induced terminal differentiation. This implies that there may be a pathway other than PML/RARα fusion gene product which mediates ATRA-induced myeloid maturation in leukemia cells.
汉字是中华文化的载体。对于中国人来说,掌握汉字是学习语文的起点,也是学习其他课程和日后发展的基础。  汉字是方块形的表意文字,由图形演变而来,字数多,字形复杂,各种笔画结构差别细微,难于辨认。在识字教学中,如果我们就字教字,学生学起来枯燥乏味。低年级儿童的注意力正由无意注意向有意注意发展,但无意注意仍起重要作用,他们容易被兴趣和情绪支配,他们的抽象思维还没有充分发展。因此,在识字教学中老师应该运用
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摘 要:本文主要从瓜傻式教学、自主探索式教学、合作学习式教学、诊断性评价和形成性评价等五个方面论述职业学校模具课程教学中的优选与创新。  关键词:自主探索;合作学习;诊断性;形成性  一、教学模式的优选与创新  1.瓜傻式教学  这是一种将模具课程中严密的逻辑演绎过程还原为生动活泼的知识生成过程。通过让学生了解所学的模具制造知识的现实背景,感知知识的产生过程。掌握解决问题的思路,知道思路的形成过程