应用模糊多元判别分析,根据Nicolet 170 SX傅里叶变换光谱仪具有快速扫描谷物样品近红外漫反射光谱的特点,研究了建立快速判定谷物样品品质性状的方法。并对具有高、中、低蛋白质含量的48个小麦样品和59个谷子样品的品质性状,进行了实际的判别分析,得到了满意的结果。
According to the analysis of fuzzy multivariate discriminant analysis, the Nicolet 170 SX Fourier transform spectrometer has the characteristics of rapid scanning of near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of grain samples and the establishment of a method to quickly determine the quality traits of grain samples. The quality traits of 48 wheat samples and 59 millet samples with high, medium and low protein content were analyzed by real discriminant analysis, and satisfactory results were obtained.