勤奋造就了寿国梁从一名普通的研究人员一跃成为日本一家株式会社的总经理。自回国创业以来,寿国梁和他的创业伙伴仿佛拥有了一种永远不会枯竭的动力,这种动力来自于塑造世界一流集成电路设计企业的信心。 梦想从“小半导”放飞 在绍兴出生并长大的寿国梁,在寿家排行老幺,但学业一直是全家的骄傲。1978年恢复高考,年仅16岁的他考上了浙江省丝绸工学院。“由于父亲是作丝绸的,考虑到分配
Diligent created Shuguang Liang from an ordinary researcher jumped into a Japanese company’s general manager. Since returning home to start a business, Shouguangliang and his business partners seem to have a power that will never be exhausted, the motivation comes from shaping the confidence of world-class IC design enterprises. Dream From the “Little Semilate” Flying Shouguang Liang, born and raised in Shaoxing, ranks the youngest in his family, but his studies have always been the pride of the whole family. In 1978 to resume the college entrance examination, only 16 years old, he was admitted to the Zhejiang Silk Institute of Technology. "Because the father is made of silk, take into account the distribution