音乐艺术是人类最伟大最动人的创造之一,是大自然声响与人类心灵的和谐的共鸣。数千年来,音乐的美让人们为之动情、为之感奋、为之倾倒,以至于孔子“三月不知肉味”;而法国现实主义作家巴尔扎克则认为“如果探究原因的话,音乐就会变成一切艺术中最伟大的一个。它难道不是最深入心灵的艺术吗?……只有音乐有力量使我回返到我的本真,而其他的艺术却只能够给我们一些有限的快乐。” 人们常说音乐是人类感情的共通语言,实际上主要是指音乐的基本音响带给人们的一般感受是相同的,这种一般的感受就是人们对音乐中基本情绪类型的体验。
Musical art is one of the greatest and most touching creations of mankind and is the resonance of nature’s sound and human mind. For thousands of years, the beauty of music makes people feel emotionally excited and excited about it, so much so that Confucius “does not know the taste of meat in March.” But the French realist writer Balzac believes that “if you explore the reason, music It will become the greatest of all the arts.Is it not the deepest spiritual art? ... Only music has the power to bring me back to my nature, and other arts can only give us some limited happiness ”People often say that music is a common language of human emotions. In fact, it basically means that the basic feelings of music are the same as those given to people. The general feeling is that people experience the basic types of emotions in music.