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  语音:美式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:New York, social media, entrepreneurial hubs
  In the world of Internet entrepreneurs, this man is one of the rock stars. 23-year-old David Karp is the founder of social blogging site, Tumblr, which now boasts some 27 million users. Born and raised on New York’s upper 1)West Side, Karp says the city was a natural fit for his three-year-old firm. Karp says operating within a 2)stone’s throw of media giants, financiers and other budding tech firms is key.
  Tumblr isn’t the only tech firm 3)taking a shine to New York. The city has been a 4)launching pad for hundreds of tech start-ups in recent years, many of them social media firms. One reason: Social media sites need users to get funding, and what better place to build a user base than a large city like New York.
  New York also offers entrepreneurs the inspiration they need to 5)hone their latest creations. Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey, says his site might never have seen the light of day without his time spent in The Big Apple.
  Dorsey: The idea behind Twitter was inspired by my time in New York City and working with 6)dispatch and taxis and just the services that make this city live and breathe. And I would not have found that anywhere else in this country besides New York.
  Seth Pinsky, the head of New York City’s Economic Development Corporation, says there’s no reason why New York can’t rival California in this fast-growing space.
  Pinsky: In a lot of ways New York is a natural home for something like social media. You know, even before technology existed, the 7)dense concentration of people meant that there were networks that developed here that you wouldn’t find in other parts of the country. We absolutely think that there will be a day when 8)in the same breath that you mention Silicon Valley or Boston or other entrepreneurial hubs, you’ll mention New York as well.
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Host: You write, “The amount of energy that had been 1)exerted by the Twitterati to save the now-infamous Balloon Boy would probably be enough to prevent at least a few dozen African 2)genocides.” How
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