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案卷质量问题一直是我国档案部门普遍关注的重要问题之一。随着认识的不断深化和档案管理水平的不断提高,人们越来越明确了这样一个道理:案卷质量的提高是高水平档案工作的基础和前提,而案卷质量的提高则有赖于案卷质量的标准化,即需要围绕案卷质量问题充分地制订和实施各级各类标准。可喜的的是,从80年代初开始,我国的案卷质量标准化工作已全面起步,形成了为数不少的地方性、专业性标准以及企(事)业单位标准;到80年代中期,国家档案行政管理部门也在广泛调查研究、充分借鉴各地各有关方面经验教训的基础上,着手制订有关的国家标准,其中有关案卷格式等方面的国家标准已在80年代末正式公布实施。这一从中央到地方,从管理部门到基层企事业单位齐抓共管案卷质量标准化局面的出现,反映了人们认识水平和档案管理水平的提高,反映了我国档案事业健康发展过程中的客观要 The quality of the files has always been one of the most important issues that the archives departments of our country are generally concerned about. With the continuous deepening of knowledge and continuous improvement of archives management, people have become more and more clear about the truth that the improvement of the quality of archives is the basis and premise of high-level archives work, and the improvement of archival quality depends on the standardization of the quality of archives , That is, all kinds of standards at all levels need to be fully formulated and implemented around the quality of files. It is gratifying that since the early 1980s, the standardization of the quality of the files in our country has been started in an all-round way, forming a large number of local and professional standards as well as enterprises and institutions. By the mid-1980s, the State Archives Administration On the basis of extensive investigations and studies and full use of the experiences and lessons learned from all parties concerned, the management department started formulating relevant national standards, of which the national standards on file format and other aspects have been formally promulgated and implemented in the late 1980s. This emergence of a centralized standardization of case files from the central authorities to local authorities and from the management departments to enterprises and institutions at the grass-roots level reflects the improvement of the level of people’s cognition and the management of archives and reflects the objective need in the sound development of the archives in our country