NBA在2011-2012赛季出现了历史上的第四次的停摆,经过149天的谈判才结束了漫长的停摆状态。在这期间,很多的球员都采取相应策略应对,希望在赛季开始前能找到个好的东家。当中魔术队的魔兽德怀特-霍华德也是其中的一员,去心已决的他也希望离开这个和他一齐作战了7年的奥兰多魔术队。而下面要介绍的音响品牌,有这与魔术队相似的主色调与命名,它就是MAGIC VOICE。
The NBA closed its fourth shutout in history in the 2011-2012 season, ending a long shutdown after 149 days of negotiations. During this period, many players have taken the appropriate tactical response, hoping to find a good host before the season starts. One of the magic team’s Wizards of Warcraft Dwight - Howard is also one of the devoted, he also hopes to leave the fight with him for seven years Orlando Magic. The following to introduce the audio brand, with the Magic of the main colors and naming, it is MAGIC VOICE.