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  It’s the biggest 1)fad in fruit. But can too much of a good thing
  actually hurt you? Maya Sanchez shows us why the power-packed 2)pomegranate may be too 3)potent.
  It’s emerged as a mega hit with the 4)hip, health-conscious crowd.
  Consumer A: I feel like there are so many healthy 5)antioxidants and it’s so good for your health, your skin, your age.
  Those with a passion for pomegranates 6)rave about its benefits, everything from decreasing your chances of cancer to lowering your 7)cholesterol.
  Consumer B: My cholesterol level use to be actually pretty
  high, and it’s actually gone down to like really good levels, like the good cholesterol…cholesterol’s up, bad
  cholesterol’s down. So I mean I think it definitely helps.
  But this juicy fruit’s 8)reputation is getting the 9)squeeze by some medical professionals who say its power-packed juice can interfere with cholesterol lowering drugs. Now a major US pomegranate producer Pom Wonderful says the fruit is getting a 10)bad rap.
  Pom Wonderful spokesman: We believe that that’s absolutely not true and in all the studies that have been conducted on pom, there have been no reported incidents of any safety at all.
  Doctors at the Center for Integrative Medicine in Tarzana 
  agree. But they say 11)concentrated pomegranate juice is so potent it can lower blood pressure. They encourage patients to consult their physician or 12)pharmacist before beginning a 13)regiment of the 14)succulent berry.
  15)Advocates of pomegranate juice say your best bet is not exceeding a daily 16)dose of about eight ounces. There’s no disputing that 17)in moderation this 18)luscious jewel of a fruit can really be health’s angel.
  然而,这种多汁水果的声誉遭到一些医学专家的质疑;他们称这种功能强大的水果汁液会干扰降低胆固醇的药物发挥药效。现在,美国一家主要石榴汁生产商“Pom Wonderful”说石榴这种水果遇到了不公正的宣传。
  “Pom Wonderful”公司发言人:我们认为这种言论是完全错误的,而且在所有针对石榴进行的研究中,没有报告过任何一起安全隐患方面的事件。

Let’s face it. 我们拥有许多让生活更加便利的高科技产品,其中最强大的莫过于电脑和互联网  了—以前,谁会想到只要轻松一点就能和世界沟通,知道N千万个为什么?然而,我们开始忘记字怎么写,文章总是文法不通;我们也不再捧起书本阅读,不再问问题,取而代之的是看电子书、上网“百度”或“Google”各种疑难—我们似乎不能静下来思考了……我们好像比以前笨多了……美国学者尼古拉斯·卡尔最近发表了《
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