美丽的面孔总是相似的,有问题的皮肤则各有不同。流水线中走来的美容产品,程式化的美容护理步骤,虽然经历了多层实验和甄选,但是却无法有针对性地对待个体的差异。区别对待每一张面孔—于是,倡导科研美容的贝梵科妍美肌中心,取per FACE作为品牌的名称。这家发源于香港的美肌中心成立于2008年,因为良好的口碑与运作,在2011年被某著名时尚杂志评选为全球八大Medical Spa之一。与传统的护肤理念不同,per FACE主张用科学的方式分析肌肤状况,找出问题,再运用光学、生物学等科技力量因地制宜做到修复和改善。
Beautiful faces are always similar, and problematic skins are different. The beauty products and stylized beauty care steps in the assembly line, though undergoing multi-layer experiments and selection, can not treat individual differences in a targeted manner. Treat each face differently - As a result, advocate scientific research Bevishiake beauty center, take per FACE as the brand name. The Hong Kong-originated Muscle Building Center was established in 2008 as one of the top 8 Medical Spa in the world by a leading fashion magazine in 2011 for its good reputation and operation. Different from the traditional concept of skin care, per FACE advocates the scientific analysis of the skin condition, identify problems, and then use optical, biological and other scientific and technological forces to do to local conditions to repair and improve.