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  【中图分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)01-0015-02
  A Study on the Effectiveness of Communication Games in College Oral English ClassThis study is based on the provincial key educational project and under the guidance and recommendation of Professor Wang Lifei, Dean of School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics.
  【Abstract】The paper studies the effectiveness of communication games used in college oral English class by using case study method. We observed four classes that used communication games for oral English learning and interviewed twenty Chinese EFL students who were involved in the relevant oral activities. The findings proves that compared with traditional oral English activities, communication games do play a positive role in facilitating English communication, inspiring students’ interest in English speaking and activating the atmosphere of the classroom.
  【Keywords】Communication games; Oral English; Effectiveness
  1 Introduction
  With the popularity of Communication Language Teaching (CLT) in the foreign language classroom since the mid-1970s, an increasing number of researchers and teachers believe that Communication Game (CG), as a kind of communicative and cooperative activity, can help students to communicate meaningfully in the target language and achieve a higher level of oral English proficiency in real communication. However, whether CG is an effective way to promote students’ initiatives in oral English learning is still in question, for lack of empirical study and statistical support. Therefore, a relevant case study, which has never been done before in the field of oral English study, is needed and will be done in this paper.
  2 Theoretical Background
  Advocates of the communicative approach hold that language is a tool of communication and language is learnt for communication. According to Ho (2004: 26) the most common understanding of the communicative approach means “providing the teachers with communicative activities in their repertoire of teaching skills and giving learners the opportunity in class to practise the language skills taught.” Since the communicative game (CG) as a kind of communicative activities, resembles to a great extent the natural language environment, it can engender learners’ full participation, free them from emotional barriers which hinder their willingness to communicate actively and “give students greater opportunities to speak” (Brown, 1994:173).
  3 Methodology
  3. 1 Research Questions
  In present study we examine in details the attitudes of Chinese EFL learners towards communication games used in the course of Oral English. Based on direct observation, examination of instructional materials, and in-depth interviews with Chinese EFL learners, the study intends to address the following questions: 1) What perception do Chinese students have as for traditional English teaching methods? 2) What perception do Chinese students have regarding the role of communication games used in college oral English class?
  3. 2 Participants
  The participants of the particular case study were randomly chosen from four natural classes of 100 freshmen (English majors) from Huazhong Agricultural University, 25 students in each class, in which twenty students took part in the case study.
  3.3 Data Collection Procedures
  First, the researcher played the role of a participant observer, by directly observing the teaching and learning activities in the oral English teaching classroom as they occurred in natural settings without obviously disturbing the participants. The classroom observation was carried out in four oral English classrooms four days a week for a total four weeks. Second, the in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty Chinese EFL learners. The students chosen randomly from the four classes took part in one-on-one interviews for approximately 30 minutes with their permission. The interviews are designed to help us gain an in-depth understanding of the Chinese students’ perceptions on the role of communication games in the course of oral English. The interviews were also tape-recorded and then transcribed in paper for later verification by interviewees.
  3.4 Results
  Table 1. Results of main general questions in the interview
  Table 1 shows the results of the main general questions in the interview: (1) Do you have any difficulty or problem in spoken English? (2) Do you enjoy doing traditional oral English activities, like reciting, repetition, pattern drilling? (3) Do you think the traditional oral English activities help you communicate with others in English? (4) Do you enjoy playing communication games in class? (5) Do you think the games for communication and cooperation is useful and important for enhancing English speaking ability and communicative competence?
  4 Conclusion and Implications
  Based on the classroom-observation and the results of in-depth interviews above, it can be found I that although some of Chinese students rely too much on the traditional English teaching methods like reciting, pattern drills, repetition, most students have perceived the significance and effectiveness of CGs used in oral English class. Most college students hold the view that CGs can not only increase their opportunities to practice spoken English, creating a semi-real environment to use English in a natural way but also intrigue the participators strong interest in English communication and thereby promote their English proficiency in a long run. Moreover, the study proves that since CG calls for students’ maximum active participation in oral English learning, it can build up students’ confidence, stimulate their appetite for practice and as a means to an end, also can act as a diagnostic tool for the teacher, highlighting areas of difficulty in learning and teaching. All of these findings shed new lights on popularizing the use of good communication games in oral English classroom.
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【中图分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)01-0066-02    “创新是民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力”,素质教育的核心是培养创新型人才,在推行新课改的今天,必须以课改为突破口,以创新教育为核心,以课堂为主阵地。下面就课堂上如何培养学生的创新能力浅谈一点认识。  1 培养学生的想象力  爱因斯坦说过“一切创新都是从想象开始的”,想象比知识更
【摘要】PBL教学的核心是以非结构性问题为主轴开展的小组合作学习和自主学习,它强调关注学生的学习过程。而自主学习与合作学习过程的参与度和有效性是很难测量和量化的。本文以PTA量表为理论基础提出一套多层次多维度的“过程评价量表”,对PBL中学生自主学习与合作学习的过程给以科学有效的测量和量化,从而能及时诊断、调控学生的学习过程,并对其今后的学习起到激励的作用。  【关键词】PBL;PTA量表;过程评
【摘要】心理学研究的结果表明,学生接受的信息量和思维活动与情绪有极大的关系,情绪高涨、精神愉快,则记忆增强,接受的信息量多,思维也活跃。所以成功的教学不是强制的, 不是作为一项艰苦的任务要学生去负担,而是要使人愉快,让一切教育活动具有乐趣,富有情感色彩。在物理课堂教学中,创设最佳的教学情境,能充分调动学生的主观能动性,发挥学生的主体作用,获得最佳的教学效果。  【关键词】物理;课堂教学;情境的创设
【摘要】进入21世纪,人文精神的培养成为教育界热点问题。本文就历史教育教学中有关人文精神培养的问题,结合教学实践,探讨在历史教学中培养学生人文精神的问题。从而,通过历史学科教育帮助学生懂得社会,认识自我,树立科学而又充满人性的世界观、人生观、价值观,提高学生的人文素养。  【关键词】人文精神; 人文教育; 历史教学  【中图分类号】R623.41 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(
【摘要】有效课堂教学情境,就是指在教学过程中,教师以饱满的热情进行教学,与学生进行自然的感情交流,为学生创设和谐、宽松的学习氛围,让学生在这种环境下学得知识,形成能力以及潜移默化的接受教育。小学数学教学中创设有效的教学情境,能促进课堂教学,能激发孩子的兴趣,能让抽象的、符号的转化为具体的、形象的内容,能激发学生的思维和情感。本文试从六个方面浅谈小学数学教学中有效课堂教学情境的创设。  【关键词】有
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【摘要】《语文课程标准》指出:“在语文学习过程中,培养爱国主义感情、社会主义道德品质,逐步形成积极的人生态度和正确的价值观,提高文化品位和审美情趣。” 由此我们可看出,审美教育是手段又是目标,是语文教学的方向和宗旨,它应该是始终回荡于语文课堂的主旋律。作为语文教师,要以美育观点审视和处理语文教学的全过程,使语文教学达到至真至善至美的最佳状态。  【关键词】语文教学;学生;审美能力  【中图分类号】