为了考察运动员自我监控能力与运动项目和运动水平的关系。采用自编运动员自我监控能力调查表,对100名男女运动员进行了调查,所得数据在SPSS for Windows 11.0软件下进行了统计处理,结果发现:不同项目运动员的自我监控能力在方法性上存在显著的差异,主要是因为其所属项群不同。不同水平运动员的自我监控能力在执行性上存在差异,主要是国际级健将与其他等级运动员之间在执行性上存在差异。
In order to examine the relationship between self-monitoring ability of athletes and sports events and sports level. A survey of 100 male and female athletes was conducted by using self-monitoring ability questionnaire of self-compiled athletes. The data obtained were statistically processed under the SPSS for Windows 11.0 software. The results showed that there were significant methodological differences in the self-monitoring ability of athletes of different categories The difference is mainly due to the different groups they belong to. Different levels of athletes self-monitoring ability in the implementation of the differences, mainly between the international class athletes and other players in the implementation of the differences.