乡镇卫生院处于农村三级医疗预防保健网的中间层,是连接县、村级医疗卫生机构的枢纽,它在整个卫生事业的发展中起着举足轻重的作用。 从国情看,我国是一个农业大国,有九亿人口生活在农村,他们所需求的医疗、预防、保健、健康教育等主要依靠乡镇卫生院。 从实现初保看,要实现“2000年人人享有初级卫生保健”的战略目标,同样,其基础也在于乡镇卫生院。 可见,重点发展乡镇卫生院,已成为我们的当务之急。那么,怎样发展乡镇卫生院,其途径有哪些?笔者就此问题,略谈几点粗浅体会。 1 更新观念
Township health centers are located in the middle of the three-tiered rural medical prevention and health care network. They are the hubs linking county and village medical and health institutions. They play a decisive role in the development of the entire health industry. Judging from the national conditions, China is a large agricultural country, with 900 million people living in rural areas. The medical care, prevention, health care, and health education that they require mainly depend on township hospitals. From the realization of primary insurance, we must achieve the strategic goal of “everyone enjoys primary health care in 2000.” Similarly, the foundation is also the township health center. It can be seen that focusing on the development of township hospitals has become our top priority. So, what are the ways to develop township health centers? The author has a brief discussion on these issues. 1 update concept