神华宁煤集团“好矿嫂”周淑琴1 8年如一日,用柔弱肩膀撑起“残家”一片天。10月13日,第五届全国道德模范评选揭晓,神宁集团石炭井焦煤分公司的周淑琴当选“全国孝老爱亲模范”。周淑琴是神华宁煤集团石炭井焦煤分公司一名普通矿嫂,曾荣获“感动神宁十佳道德模范”、自治区“道德模范”、全国道德模范提名奖。结婚18年来,她无怨无悔照顾长年患病、生活不能自理的公公、婆婆和小姑子、小叔子,还无私照料离异后查出肝病的大伯哥,用家庭微薄的积蓄全力为其看病。面对老弱病残的家庭,这个外柔内刚的女人咬紧牙关,扶老携
God Huaning Coal Group “good mine sister ” Zhou Shuqin 1 8 years as a day, with soft shoulders propped “residue ” a day. On October 13, the fifth national model moral award was announced. Zhou Shuqin, a coal coking coal company from Shenning Group of Shenning Group, was elected as one of “Model Parents of Filial Piety in China.” Zhou Shuqin is an ordinary mine woman manager of Shenhua Ningxia Coal Group Petrochemical Coke Coking Coal Branch. He has won the title of “Top Ten Moral Models for Touching Gods”, “Model of Ethics” in Autonomous Region, and “National Moral Model Nomination Award”. 18 years of marriage, she has no regrets to take care of many years of illness, life can not take care of father-in-law, mother-in-law and little boys, little uncle, also selfless care divorced detected liver disease Big Brother, with family modest savings fully medical treatment. In the face of the elderly and the sick and disabled families, the woman outside the soft outer clenched his teeth, helping the elderly carry