开封市位于黄河中下游,华北平原的中南部,历史上曾经有七个朝代建都于此,是我国六大古都之一。对于地震的记载,远在公元前七0年(汉本始四年)山东诸城七级地震,陈留郡(今开封县陈留公社)有感,就开始有了地震的记载,特别是从公元九六五年北宋定都开封以来,宋史五行志和其他史书,府、县志里都有地震的记载,截至一九七八年一千多年来,共记录七十次(其中地震六十五次,地陷一次,天鼓鸣四次),属本市地震二十二次,外震波及四十三次。外围强震使开封造成严重破坏的四次)。 开封为北宋国都,史书有时仅记载“京师地震”,但由于当时历史条件的局限性,震情描述简略,有的震中和波及区都无区别,有些震中就在本市附近,但也
Kaifeng City, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the central and southern parts of North China Plain, historically there have been seven dynasties built here, is one of China’s six ancient capitals. As for the records of earthquakes, records of earthquakes began to take place in the 1970s and 1970s when the MS7 earthquake in Zhucheng, Shandong province and Chenliu County (now Kaifeng County Chenliu Commune) were started. In particular, Since the capitalization of the Northern Song Dynasty in Kaghan in six or five years, there have been records of earthquakes in Wushi Shishi and other historical books, prefectures and prefectures in the Song Dynasty. Seventy times were recorded over a thousand years to 1978 (of which sixty-five earthquakes , Subsidence once, day drumming four times), is the city twenty-second earthquake, shocks involving forty-three times. Strong earthquake peripheral Kaifeng Kaifeng caused serious damage to four times). Kaifeng as the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, the history books sometimes only record the “Beijing Earthquake”, but due to the limitations of historical conditions, the description of the earthquake is brief, and some epicenter and spread of the area there is no difference, some epicenter is near the city, but also