For a long time, iatrogenic infections have been found in about 1 in 4 to 1 in 2 critically ill care groups. Many environmental and physiologic factors make iatrogenic infections more likely to occur in critically ill patients, so iatrogenic infections in critically ill care groups are much higher than those in other care groups during hospitalization. The following factors often increase the risk of iatrogenic infection in critically ill patients: 1. Abnormal cellular immunity: How to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease and other lymphoid tissue tumors, corticosteroids or anti-lymphocyte globulin, uremia . 2. Abnormal phagocytic function: malnutrition in patients with diabetes, acute leukemia, corticosteroids, cytotoxic or alkylating agents. Abnormal antibody function: such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, histiocytic lymphoma, congenital hypogammaglobulinemia, multiple myeloma. 4. barrier dysfunction: such as trauma, decubitus ulcers, invasive medical procedures, skin diseases, vascular insufficiency.