Distributive justice is a social historical concept, while the distribution of land dividend is the reality of the distribution of justice in contemporary China. Proceeding from the concept of Marxist distribution of justice, the distribution of land value based on the land system of our country can only follow the principle of sharing benefits. As a basic living resource, the land and its value added relate to human rights and interests of freedom and development, with logic other than property rights, whether it can realize the just distribution of land bonuses, and the deep-seated issues concerning the institutional justice and even the development of justice in the reform and development of contemporary China . Geographical share depends on the specific system design and arrangement. We will adhere to the principle of public ownership of land, the process of assigning rights and responsibilities, the distribution process and system of procedural justice, and perfecting the land finance and expenditure system of “grain ownership” so as to form the “compensation justice” system that feeds back dividends on land. The value of justice has an important system of protection significance.