林业战线上,开发商品生产的步子还不大,主要是对抓商品生产的必要性认识不足。抓商品生产到底对发展林业有没有关系,关系有多大?我们对此进行了初步调查和探讨。一、发展林业商品经济,是促进林业发展的动力早在汉、唐时期,由于“丝绸之路”的开辟, 把我国的蚕桑事业推向了一个高潮期。使我国成为世界著名的“丝绸之国”。位于关中中部的长安,成为“丝绸之路”的起点后,关中的蚕桑业也出现了兴旺发达的局面。据史书记
On the forestry front, the pace of developing the production of commodities is not large, mainly due to the lack of understanding of the necessity of grasping the production of commodities. Is there any relationship between the production of forestry and the development of forestry? We have conducted a preliminary investigation and discussion on this. First, the development of forestry commodity economy is to promote the development of forestry as early as in the Han and Tang Dynasties, due to “Silk Road ” opened up, the sericulture of our country to a climax. Make our country become the world famous “silk country”. Chang’an, located in the central part of Guanzhong, became the starting point for the “Silk Road” and the Sericulture industry in Guanzhong also experienced a thriving development. According to history secretary