区域组织运用武力问题在科索沃战争后更为引人关注。在联合国宪章体系下 ,区域组织运用武力有三种类型。其中 ,集体自卫和授权型运用武力对及时有效地反对地区霸权主义、维护国际和平与安全具有重要意义。但从国际关系实践来看 ,区域组织运用武力尤其是授权型运用武力存在着较多问题 ,只有对其实行有效控制 ,才能发挥区域组织在维护国际和平与安全方面的作用
The issue of the use of force by regional organizations has drawn even more attention after the Kosovo war. Under the UN Charter, there are three types of regional organizations that use force. Among them, collective self-defense and authorized use of force are of great significance to timely and effectively opposing regional hegemonism and safeguarding international peace and security. However, from the point of view of practice in international relations, there are still more problems for the regional organizations to use force, especially the authorized type, and only by exercising effective control over them can the regional organizations play their role in the maintenance of international peace and security