In Zhongtiaoshan, the Paleo-Archean Miocene Xuanshui Complex is mainly composed of TTG karst formations, with some crustal rock remnants and basic dyke swarms. The Neo-Archaean Jiangxian group with unconformity is composed of immature turbidite and bimodal volcanic rocks, which are deposited in tectonic setting similar to the continental margin of modern activities and suffer from low-greenschist facies to low-amphibolite Phase deterioration and strong deformation. These are built as part of the original continent. Proterozoic beginning, the rupture of the original continent formed the original platform. On the southern margin of the original platform in North China, the Zhongtiao Group and other geosyncline structures were accumulated and experienced early metamorphism of low-greenschist facies to low-amphibolite facies and strong deformations marked by supine folds, indicating convergence The ancient geothermal state and the shortening of the continental crust symbolize that the original platform of North China had been welded with the original platform of the Yangtze. Since the beginning of Mesoproterozoic, the southern margin of the original platform in North China ruptured along the north-south direction, resulting in the Xiong’er-Henkel bend that is marked by a large number of andesite eruptions in the Xiyanghe Group. Before 1000Ma ago, the original platform of North China was gradually spliced with the original platform of the Yangtze River to form a unified continent and accept the deposition of Mesozoic Ruyang Group, Luonan Group and Sinian System.