以云南稻种耐冷性资源昆明小白谷及弱耐冷性的日本品种十和田配制的杂交F2 代为材料 ,采用 15 9个RFLP及SSR分子标记构建的连锁图和STATISTIC等分析软件 ,以单株结实率作为耐冷性评价指标。分析结果显示单株结实率与单株特定颖花结实率之间的相关系数 (r)为 0 .836 4 ;与耐冷性 (以单株结实率为指标 )相关的分子标记有 4 3个 ,分布在8条染色体的 11个区域。与单株特定颖花结实率相关分子标记有 34个 ,分布在 7条染色体的 9个区域 ,这 7条染色体属于与耐冷性相关的 8条染色体之中 ;与单株特定结实率相关的这 9个区域均属于与耐冷性相关 11个区域之中。表明用特定颖花结实率可以很好地反映植株受冷害情况 ,单株特定颖花结实率可以作为耐冷性鉴定指标。最后就特定颖花结实率来替代整穗结实率问题展开了讨论
The F1 hybrids between japonica rice variety Xiao-Xia-Gu and cold-tolerant Shih-Tian of Yunnan rice were used as materials. The linkage map constructed by 15 RFLP and SSR markers and the analysis software STATISTIC were used as material, Cold tolerance evaluation index. The results showed that the correlation coefficient (r) between single seed setting rate and single plant specific spikelet percentage was 0.3836 4. There were 43 molecular markers associated with cold tolerance (seed setting rate per plant) Distributed in the 11 chromosomes of the 11 regions. There were 34 molecular markers related to the seed-setting rate of individual spikelets, distributed in 9 regions of 7 chromosomes, which belonged to 8 chromosomes related with cold tolerance; All 9 regions belong to 11 regions related to cold tolerance. It indicated that the seed setting rate of specific spikelets could reflect the chilling injury of plants, and the specific seed setting rate of individual plants could be used as the identification index of cold tolerance. Finally, the specific rate of spikelets to replace whole seed set rate was discussed