研究了东亚小花蝽成虫和卵在 5℃中的耐冷藏性。冷藏前将小花蝽在两个温度中分别饲养1~ 4d的结果表明 ,1 5℃中饲养的成虫 ,其冷藏寿命显著较 2 5℃中饲养的为长。雌虫冷藏寿命较雄虫为长 ,饲养 4d的雌虫平均冷藏寿命达 98d ,雄虫为 2 8 9d。冷藏 1 3和 2 6d的小花蝽 ,其单雌产卵量 (约 2 7粒 )与未经冷藏的个体没有显著差别。产于黄豆芽上的小花蝽卵较耐冷藏 ,冷藏期 1 9d以内 ,卵孵化率保持 75%以上 ;卵孵化率随着冷藏时间的加长而降低。
The cold tolerance of adult stink bug and egg in 5 ℃ was studied. The results showed that the adults stored at 15 ℃ had significantly longer refrigerated life than those kept at 25 ℃. The females lived longer than males in cold storage, and the average chilled life of females was 98 days after feeding for 4 days, while that of males was 29 days. The number of eggs laid per female (about 27) was not significantly different from that of the non-refrigerated individuals in the 13 and 26 days after storage. The small-stink bug eggs on yellow bean sprouts were more resistant to cold storage and less than 1 9 days in the cold storage period, and the hatching rate of the eggs remained above 75%. The hatching rate of eggs decreased with the extension of the refrigerating time.