在黄土高原的兰州地区曾盛行一种当地人民喜闻乐见的民间艺术———“兰州小曲” ,特别是在兰州周边的广大农村 ,“兰州小曲”曾是逢年过节必不可少的“大戏” ,后因种种原因悄然退出了舞台 ,现只能在民间庭院、茶馆等演唱“兰州鼓子”或“秦腔”清唱的场合中 ,偶尔听到为数不多的“兰州小曲”老艺人演唱它 ,以示怀旧 ,这就是濒临灭绝的“兰州小曲”。长期以来对其归属于戏曲还是曲艺的界定上存有争议 ,笔者认为定义为曲艺较准确。另外笔者还就“兰州小曲”濒临灭绝的原因做出分析
In the Lanzhou area of the Loess Plateau, there was a popular folk art loved by local people --- the “Lanzhou Opera”, especially in the vast rural areas around Lanzhou. “Lanzhou Opera” was once a “grand show” for the holidays. After a variety of reasons for quietly withdraw from the stage, now only in private courtyards, teahouse and other singing “Lanzhou Drum” or “Qin chamber” singing occasions, and occasionally hear a small number of “Lanzhou opera” old artist singing it to Show nostalgia, this is the verge of extinction, “Lanzhou Opera.” For a long time its dispute is attributed to the definition of opera or folk art. The author thinks it is more accurate to define folk art. In addition, the author also made an analysis of the reasons why “Lanzhou Opera” is on the verge of extinction