宫内感染与胎膜早破(PROM)互为因果,而这2种因素可极大增高新生儿脑损伤的发生率。目前,宫内感染引起新生儿脑损伤的发生机制尚未明确。基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)-2,-9不仅可参与炎症反应、破坏胎膜组织,还可以破坏血脑屏障(BBB),导致新生儿脑损伤的发生。笔者拟就宫内感染时, MMP-2,-9在母胎血液循环和新生儿脑白质的表达,以及通过监测 MMP-2,-9预测新生儿脑损伤发生的意义进行综述。“,”Intrauterine infection is closely related to premature rupture of membranes(PROM),and these factors can greatly increase the incidence of neonatal brain injury.At present,the mechanism of neonatal brain injury caused by intrauterine infection is not yet clear.Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2,-9 not only participate in inflammation,destruction of membranes,but also take part in the disruption of the blood-brain barrier,then lead to the occurrence of neonatal brain injury.The value of predicting the occurrence of neonatal brain injury through the expression of MMP-2,-9 in mother′s and fetal blood circulation and neonatal injury cerebral white matter with intrauterine infection are reviewed in this paper.