吃完午饭后,还未到下午开诊的时间,我暂回到妇科诊疗室翻翻报纸,稍事休息。门口候诊长椅上坐着两位年轻女士,她俩的谈话引起了我的注意。 A女士:请问现在几点了? B女士:12点40分了,还有20分钟就开诊了。你来看什么病?
After lunch, not yet until the afternoon of the opening time, I temporarily returned to the gynecological clinic to flip the newspaper, take a break. Two young ladies were sitting on the waiting bench in front of the gate, and their conversation caught my attention. Ms. A: What time is it now? Ms. B: It’s 12:40 and there’s another 20 minutes to get started. What are you looking at?