Ways to Improve Oral English Learning

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  Research has showed that emotional problems will help to improve the effect of language. Anxiety, tension, depression, fear, disgusting anxiety seriously affects students’ learning potential of normal action. And positive emotions, such as self-esteem, self-confidence, optimistic, cheerful, are very beneficial to stimulate the learners’ language and language communication.
  Here from three aspects about how to put the emotional factors and through to the foreign language oral English teaching. There are some practicable ways which could improve students’ ability to learn English.
  1. To encourage and respect the student’s emotion boldly
  Oral English teachers should dare to let go and allow students to speak English bravely, by no means this is not let alone. The teachers should pay attention to the form of the organization in classroom activities, because of the success of the group activities allow students to produce a sense of belonging, positive and mutually supportive atmosphere can arouse the enthusiasm of participation awareness, change from passive to active expression . It is said that teachers do not have to rush to correct language errors committed by students; they should smile first, and give students enough power to fully express their views completely. With the first success and satisfaction from the teacher, the students naturally arouse a health and positive emotions, and at last, lay a good foundation for improving language learning. Under the premise of full respect to students, teachers should be good at listening to the views of students, paying attention to students’ emotions, appreciating and praising students’ advantages, but also tolerating the shortcomings of students, maintaining students’ dignity and love. We should believe that students can make their own choices and decisions. Teachers should understand every student’s inner world, living conditions, upbringing, personality tendencies, and put themselves to understand the students’ thoughts and feelings as much as possible through a variety of channels and methods, based on understanding and respecting to truly establish effective teacher-student relationship and improve outcomes of language teaching.
  2. To change the anxiety and tension of student’s oral English learning
  Oral English teachers should avoid making too many negative comments, on the contrary we must learn to accept and appreciate students, and every student is recognized as a separate individual who has his own value. Teachers should learn to appreciate and timely praise students, to establish a harmonious and sincere emotional relationship with them.   Teachers should create more opportunities and communicate with them, shortening the students’ psychological distance with teachers. It is an equal status between teachers and students, teachers and students should be frankly with each other, truthfully express their views, ideas, and feelings. Teachers should not impose their views, thoughts and feelings on students.
  In addition, the standard pronunciation of teachers will directly affect the students’ oral English learning. There is a survey found that more than half of the students would be significantly affected by teacher’s pronunciation on oral English learning. Therefore, teachers should continue to make constant practice, creating a lively and flexible teaching method. At the same time, they need to enhance their own language quality as well
  3. To create a relaxing atmosphere in the classroom
  Emotional education is a vivid teaching art. Teachers should be good at creating vivid novel situations and be good at using a variety of teaching methods, good at proper grasp of communication topic of discussion, by capturing the topic itself implied emotion to fully mobilize the students’ emotional investment, to control the heat, make the best use so that teachers and students of both inner emotional resonance reached, and actively guide students to eliminate passive emotions, the desire to take the initiative to stimulate students to express emotions. Therefore, teachers should fully display their personal charm, for students to create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.
  Relaxed and harmonious atmosphere in the classroom help students positively participate, and thus to be more genuine expression and communication. And dreary atmosphere in the classroom will inhibit student’s open mind, in a deep sense of oppression, a sense of insecurity and tension of students will enhance creative thinking which cannot be free to play, and make it happen alert.
  [1]王新芳.英语口语教学中的情感分析[J].河南黄淮学院研究, 2014(3).
  作者简介: 万亿(1995-), 男, 湖北仙桃人, 武昌工学院外国语学院2013级英语专业学生。
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