今年我任教七年级英语,深深体会到学生学英语入门之难,特别是农村学生,接触少,基础差,没兴趣,教学资源短缺。但是我发现:七年级的学生还像小孩一样好玩、好动、好奇心很强,所以,只要我们多用一些心思,多想一些点子,赋予枯燥的课文内容一些趣味性,找到书本知识与实际生活相似的切入点,学生就完全可以体会到英语课堂的趣味性、真实性、实用性,从而改变学生学英语难的教学现状。在教学七年级下册Unit 1的一节课激发了我的灵感,让我深刻体会到“兴趣”在课堂教学中的重要作用,也让我学会了激发学生学习兴趣的又一妙招———让童年游戏走进课堂。
This year, I teach English in the seventh grade. I deeply understand that it is difficult for students to learn English. Especially in rural areas, there are few contacts, poor foundation, no interest and lack of teaching resources. However, I found that the seventh grade students are still fun, curious and playful as children. Therefore, as long as we use more thoughts and think more about ideas, we can give boring texts some fun and find books of knowledge and real life Similar point of entry, students can fully understand the fun, authenticity, practicality of English classes, thus changing the difficult situation of students learning English. I was inspired by a lesson from Unit 1 in the seventh grade of teaching, which made me deeply understand the important role of “interest ” in class teaching and also let me learn another coup which aroused students’ interest in learning - - Let the childhood game into the classroom.