一年一度的全市英语赛课结束了,每个学校的教师代表们个个都拿出看家本领,将自己最优秀的一堂课展现给了大家,整个比赛过程精彩纷呈、高潮迭起。老师们在竞争中互相学习、互相质疑、共同进步,收获了友情、收获了成长。Let’s go and explore the Ming Tombs这节课集合了学校英语备课组全体成员的辛勤劳动和智慧精华,荣获全市一等奖。一、课前准备准备一份学生导学案,涵盖学习目标、预习检测、疑难问题、
The annual English lesson in the city was over. Each school’s teacher representatives took out their masters skills and presented their best lesson to everyone. The entire competition was colorful and climaxed. Teachers in the competition learn from each other, questioned each other, make progress together, gain friendship, harvest growth. Let’s go and explore the Ming Tombs This class combines the hard work and wisdom of all members of the school English lesson preparation team, won the first prize in the city. First, the preparation before class Prepare a student guide case, covering the learning objectives, preview test, difficult problems,