先天性视网膜皱襞,又名先天性视网膜中隔,1928年首次由Ida Mann 报道。此病是一种少见病,为视杯发育不正常所致。常合并其它异常,如先天视乳头缺损,斜视,眼球震颤,屈光不正,青光眼,小眼球等。笔者曾遇到2例,一例合并全视神经乳头缺损,另一例合并青光眼,病例报道如下。例1,患者男,29岁。自幼视力不佳,外斜视。矫正无视力增加。父母无血缘联姻。全身检查无异常。右眼视力0.02,左眼0.2。右眼交替性外斜约20度。眼球水平震颤,运动不受限。眼
Congenital retinal folds, also known as congenital retinal septum, were first reported by Ida Mann in 1928. The disease is a rare disease, caused by improper optic cup development. Often combined with other anomalies, such as congenital optic disc defect, strabismus, nystagmus, refractive errors, glaucoma, small eyeball. I have encountered two cases, one case of combined optic neuropathy, another case of glaucoma, the case reported below. Example 1, male patient, 29 years old. Childhood vision is poor, exotropia. Correction no increase in sight. Parents no blood marriage. No abnormalities in the whole body examination Right eye vision 0.02, left eye 0.2. Alternating right eye oblique about 20 degrees. Tremor eye level, exercise is not limited. eye