Nonconstant Harmonic Functions on the Level 3 Sierpinski Gasket

来源 :分析理论与应用:英文刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:play5
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We give a detailed description of nonconstant harmonic functions on the level 3 Sierpinski gasketThen we extend the method on β-set with 1/3 < β < 1/2.
在这份报纸,我们基于 q 演算介绍伯恩斯坦多项式的归纳。在 Bohman-Korovkin 类型定理的帮助下,我们获得这些操作员的 A 统计的近似性质。由使用连续性和 Lipschitz 班的模量,另
In this paper, a constructive theory is developed for approximating functions of one or more variables by superposition of sigmoidal functions. This is done in
Let C be a closed convex weakly Cauchy subset of a normed space X. Then we define a new{a, b, c}type nonexpansive and{a, b, c}type contraction mapping T from C
让 b =( b_1 ,&#183;&#183;&#183;, b_m ), b_i ∈ Λ_(β_ i )( R~n ), 1 ≤ i ≤ m , 0 【β_ i 【β, 0 【β 【 1 ,[ b , T ] f (x)=∫_( R~n )( K 是 aCalderon-Zygmund 的 b_
In the present paper,we study certain differential inequalities involving p-valent functions and obtain sufficient conditions for uniformly p-valent starlikenes
在这篇论文,我们证明那是自我地图的一个家庭{ T <SUB >我, j </SUB>}<SUB> i ,在2度量标准空间的j&#8712;&#8469;</SUB>有一个唯一的普通的固定的点如果(i){ T <SUB >我, j </