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辽宁瓦房店地区是我国重要的金刚石成矿远景区,区内已有三个矿带和百余个岩体,在勘查过程中,同时又发现四个隐伏金伯利岩体,这些深埋在基岩以下的岩体规模可观,金刚石质量上乘,具有重要的经济价值,所以研究总结隐伏金伯利岩体赋存规律、成因机制等,不仅有理论意义而且有重要的找矿实战价值。 The Wafangdian area in Liaoning Province is an important prospecting area for diamond mineralization in China. There are three ore belts and over a hundred rock mass in the area. During the exploration, four hidden kimberlite bodies were found, The following rock mass scale is considerable, the diamond is of high quality and has important economic value. Therefore, it is not only theoretically meaningful but also important to find out the actual value of ore-prospecting by studying and concluding the occurrence regularity and genesis mechanism of the hidden kimberlite rock mass.
We have analyzed the July 15,2009,Fiordland earthquake(M_w 7.8),which occurred in the southwestern part of the South Island of New Zealand.This thrust-related earthquake in the southern Fiordland subd
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