水中无机氮(NO_3~-、NO_2~-NH_4~+)的转化迁移行为十分复杂,含量过高对水生动、植物和人类可产生直接或间接致病作用。自70年代起,河流中氮污染问题已引起国内外的重视,因此,测定水中无机氮含量具有重要意义。文献报道,测定水中 NO_3~-和 NH_4~+含量方法很多,但都是分别取样测定。本文用离子选择电极在同一份水样中直接依次测定 NO_3~-和 NH_4~+含量,获得满意结果。
Inorganic nitrogen (NO_3 ~ -, NO_2 ~ -NH_4 ~ +) transformation and migration behavior is very complicated, the content is too high for aquatic animals, plants and humans can have a direct or indirect pathogenic role. Since the 1970s, the problem of nitrogen pollution in rivers has drawn great attention at home and abroad. Therefore, it is of great significance to determine the content of inorganic nitrogen in water. Reported in the literature, determination of water NO_3 ~ - and NH_4 + content of many ways, but were sampled separately. In this paper, ion selective electrode in the same water samples were directly followed by determination of NO_3 ~ - and NH_4 ~ + content, to obtain satisfactory results.