Effects of San Qi on Gastric Secretion and Protective Factors of Gastric Mucosa in the Rat with Prec

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:didos_jo
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In the model rat with precancerous lesion of stomach induced by the combined method of insertion ofa spring into the pylorus and high salt hot paste,effects of San Qi (三七 Radix Notoginseng) on gastricsecretion and protective factors of stomach were investigated.The results indicated that gastricsecretion,gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) and aminohexose content lowered significantly,andmalondialdehyde (MDA) increased significantly (P<0.01) in the model group as compared with thenormal group;after treatment with San Qi Powder for 12 weeks,both gastric secresion and GMBFincreased,and MDA content decreased as compared with the negative control group (P<0.01),withno significant increase of aminohexose content.It is suggested that San Qi (三七 Radix Notoginseng)may improve gastric secretion,and that increase of GMBF and antagonism against the lesion ofoxygen free radicals are possibly one of its mechanisms. In the model rat with precancerous lesion of stomach induced by the combined method of insertion of a spring into the pylorus and high salt hot paste,effects of San Qi (三七 Radix Notoginseng) on ​​gastricsecretion and protective factors of stomach were investigated.The results indicated That gastricsecretion,gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) and aminohexose content decreased significantly,andmalondialdehyde (MDA) increased significantly (P<0.01) in the model group as compared with thenormal group;after treatment with San Qi Powder for 12 weeks,both gastric secresion And GMBFincreased,and MDA content decreased as compared with the negative control group (P<0.01),with no significant increase of aminohexose content.It is suggested that San Qi(三七 Radix Notoginseng)may benefits975 secretion,and that increase of GMBF and Antagonism against the lesion ofoxygen free radicals are possibly one of its mechanisms.
《纽约客》New Yorker 2008年7月21日Elizabeth Kolbert女士对美国几乎家家户户可见的社区草坪作了历史梳理和现状分析,对于对景观设计理念尚莫衷一是的中国来说,美国草坪史
这位出生在川西北高原的藏族 汉子,清贫的家境和艰苦的工作环境造就了他吃苦耐劳、奋发向上的品格。统计部门被人称之为条件艰苦、工作辛苦、待遇清苦的“三苦单位”,可他却
MS-9血液分析仪由法国MeletSchloesingLaboratoires制造的三分类仪,有28项参数,其性能评介已有报道[1]。和其他同类仪器不同的是MS-9使用四种试剂,除稀释液、溶血剂、清洗剂外,还有Hb参比液。后者为MS-9所独有,用以随时监 MS-9 B
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