牛初乳,这个几年前还藏在深闺人未识的神秘物质,如今突然间名声大噪,被炒得沸沸扬扬。据说,深圳海王药业斥资9000多万,从南到北在中央电视台等主流媒体一路广告轰炸,“人之初,吃母乳,海王牛初乳”,成了人们耳熟能详的广告语,在白领阶层引起一股购买风,似乎成了又一消费时尚。于是乎,各种牛初乳及其制品纷纷粉墨登场,优尔、乳珍、初乳素等等等等,国内一下子冒出了数十家生产企业。 牛初乳对小牛确实有难以替代的免疫功能作用。
Colostrum, a few years ago also hidden in the mysterious material of purdah did not know, and now suddenly fame, was aroused. It is said that Shenzhen Neptune Pharmaceutical spent more than 90 million, from south to north in the CCTV and other mainstream media all the way advertising bombing, “people at the beginning of breast-feeding, Neptune Colostrum,” became well-known slogan in the white-collar workers Caused an order to buy wind, seems to have become another consumer fashion. Ever since, all kinds of colostrum and its products have appeared on stage, excellent Seoul, milk Jane, Colostrum and so on, domestic suddenly emerge dozens of manufacturing enterprises. Colostrum does have an irreplaceable immune function on calves.