10月25日,大连海事展览会第一天,在中船重工展区,大船集团举行满足HCSR VLCC升级船型发布会暨CCS船型认可证书发证仪式,中国船级社向大船集团颁发HCSR VLCC船型AIP认可证书。本次发布的升级船型,是大船集团为积极应对国际船级社协会颁布的协调共同规范(HCSR)要求,联合中
On the first day of Dalian Maritime Exhibition on the 25th of October, China Shipbuilding Society issued the HCSR VLCC Ship Type AIP at the CSSC Heavy Industry Zone and the Large Ship Group to meet the HCSR VLCC Upgrade Ship Type Release and CCS Ship Type Approval Certificate Issuance Ceremony Approval certificate. The release of the upgrade ship, the ship’s group to actively respond to the International Association of Classification Societies promulgated the Common Code of Conduct (HCSR) requirements, the joint