
来源 :中学语文教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jokylin1
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暑假,终于有时间每天变着花样给孩子做她爱吃的菜肴。看着孩子吃得津津有味,我不禁联想到做饭和教学竟如此相似。同样的食材,厨艺不同,味道迥异;同样的一篇文章,切人点不同,可能上得满口留香,也可能上得味同嚼蜡。语文是最具有“情感”温度的学科,语文老师应该是一位技艺精湛的厨师。一、精选食材,原汁原味新鲜食材永远是烹饪第一要素,好的厨师往往比较讲究食材。面对不新鲜的食材,纵然有再高 Summer vacation, finally have time every day to change the pattern to the children to do her favorite dishes. Watching children eat relish, I can not help but think of cooking and teaching actually so similar. The same ingredients, different cooking, different taste; the same article, cut into different points may be full of fragrant mouth, may also taste the same. Language is the most “emotional” temperature discipline, the language teacher should be a skilled chef. First, the selection of ingredients, authentic fresh ingredients is always cooking the first element, a good chef is often more emphasis on ingredients. In the face of not fresh ingredients, even if there is high