互联网是政府信息公开的一种主要途径。基于政府门户网站这一公开渠道及网络信息传播特点,可以从专门性、全面性、详细性、动态性、便利性等不同角度,对美国和中国的201 1年度中央(联邦)预算公开信息进行比较。虽然近几年中国在预算公开方面取得了一定进展,但仍处在起步阶段,预算公开信息呈现典型的“碎片化”特征,缺乏制度性保障,与社会期望仍有较大的差距。因此,应以政府门户网站为主要公开渠道,提高中国政府预算公开信息的质量。
The Internet is a major way for government information disclosure. Based on the open channels of government portals and the characteristics of online information dissemination, public information about the central and federal (2011) annual budgets of the United States and China can be made public at different angles of specificity, comprehensiveness, detail, dynamism and convenience Compare Although China has made some progress in budget disclosure in recent years, it is still in its infancy. The publicized budget information shows typical “fragmentation” characteristics, lacking in institutional protection and still has a large gap with the expectation of the society. Therefore, the government portal should be the main open channel to improve the quality of the public information of the Chinese government budget.