适度发展,规范管理 深化基础教育办学体制改革——市教委副主任夏秀蓉访谈录

来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h725bin
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进入90年代以来,上海开始了基础教育办学体制的改革。在中共中央、国务院《中国教育改革和发展纲要》提出的“积极鼓励,大力支持,正确引导,加强管理”的方针及上海市两次教育工作会议精神的推动下,民办中小学、幼儿园发展很快,成为各界普遍关注的热点。因此,我们就民办校的有关问题走访了市教委副主任夏秀蓉同志。夏副主任听了我们的来意,首先就上海民办学校的不同类型和有关情况向我们作了一个介绍。她说,目前上海社会力量参与举办的基础教育具有多类型、多形式、多层次的特征。从学校资产所有制角度看,其直接主体有政府、有企业、有团体、有社区;看单一主体的,也有复合主体的。从办学体制改革的形式看,有“民办公助”的,有“公办民助”的;有已有公立学校转制的,有新建学 Since entering the 1990s, Shanghai has started the reform of the basic education system. Under the initiative of the “central encouragement, strong support, correct guidance, and strengthening of management” proposed by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council’s “Outline for China’s Education Reform and Development” and the spirit of the two sessions of the Shanghai Municipal Education Conference, private primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are developing very well. Soon, it has become a hot spot for all walks of life. Therefore, we visited Comrade Xia Xiurong, deputy director of the Municipal Education Commission, on the related issues of private schools. Deputy Director Xia took a look at our intentions. First of all, he introduced us to the different types and circumstances of private schools in Shanghai. She said that at present the basic education that Shanghai’s social forces participate in has many types, forms, and features. From the point of view of school asset ownership, the direct subjects are governments, enterprises, groups, and communities; those who see a single entity also have a compound subject. Looking at the form of the reform of the school system, there are “public assistance to the people” and “public assistance to the public”; if there are already public schools, there is a new school.
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