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不少读者对“诗中有画,画中有诗”一语,只明其意,不知其来由,其实个中有典故。 据史考查,我国秦汉时期的绘画,大都以人物故事为主,山水画是以后才发展起来的。唐人开元年间,出了个山水画家叫王维,字摩诘,他不但擅长画画,诗也写得很美妙。后来辞官归故里,以诗画自娱,闲来描绘家乡的林木山川,画图饶有诗意,在我国山水画中,他独创了一格。 北宋年间,有位亦能工画的诗人叫苏轼,号东坡,大为赞赏王维的画说:“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”名士苏东坡这一评议,不但中肯、精辟,而且很有感染力,“诗中有画,画中有诗”一语就广为流传了。自此,人们把王维这一派画中含有诗意的佳品,称做“无声诗”;反之,赞其抒写山水情调的 Many readers have only used the phrase “pictures in poetry and poetry in the poem” to clarify the meaning of the phrase. I do not know the reason, but there are allusions. According to Shi Kazao, paintings in the Qin and Han Dynasties in China mostly consisted of character stories, and landscape paintings developed only afterwards. During the first year of the Tang dynasty, a landscape painter named Wang Wei was born. He was not only good at painting, but also wrote wonderful poems. Later, he resigned to his hometown, entertained himself with poetry and painting, and leisurely described the mountains and rivers of his hometown. His paintings were poetic. In his country’s landscape paintings, he created a unique style. During the Northern Song Dynasty, a poet who could also work and paint was Su Shi and Dong Po. He praised Wang Wei’s paintings. He said: “The poems of the taste of the taste are in the poetry. There are paintings in the poems. There are poems in the paintings.” The celebrity Su Dongpo’s commentary is not only pertinent, incisive, but also influential. The phrase “painting in poetry and poetry in painting” is widely circulated. Since then, people have included Wang Wei’s paintings in this painting as “silent poetry”;
文科中的各个学科之间有着广泛和密切的联系,在高考复习中要特别注意学科之间的联系与渗透,这是近年高考历史命题中的一个显著特点。 ①与地理学科的联系。’92高考试题第20
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